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Privacy Policy

McBains By The River takes the privacy of all its customers and website users very seriously and takes great care with customer and user information.

This privacy policy explains what information we will collect about you, how we will use it, and the steps we take to ensure that it is kept secure.

By using this website you consent to us collecting and using personal information about you in accordance with the terms set out in this policy.

This website contains links to other websites, which are provided for your convenience. We are only responsible for the privacy practices and security of this Website. We recommend that you check the privacy and security policies and procedures of each and every other website that you visit.

The ‘Data Controller’ (for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998 (the “Act”) of any personal information that you provide to us through the Website is McBains By The River.

What information do we collect?

In order to provide you with our services, we may collect personal information about you from our website, telephone conversations, emails, and written and verbal communications.

We may, for example, keep a record of your name, address, delivery address, email address, telephone number, date of birth and credit card details.

We may also record details of any disability or health needs you may have at the time of booking an event or service which will take place at our premises to help to ensure your safety.

How do we use your information?

Any personal data relating to you will be used and recorded by us in accordance with current Data Protection legislation and this privacy policy. We will primarily use your personal information to provide our services and products to you. We will also use the personal information that we hold to communicate with you, for example: in the event that the services or products you have requested are unavailable, for record keeping purposes, to recover debt and to help us to prevent fraud, to improve the quality of our service, for market research, or to track activity on our website. We may also create an individual profile for you so that we can inform you of services, products, events or special offers that may be of interest to you.

In the event of the sale of the business or the integration of the business with another party we may disclose your details to advisers or prospective purchasers advisers.